Cutting Through the Message Clutter: How to Rise Above the Crowd

by | Oct 27, 2020 | Internet Marketing

With over 40,000 Google searches a second or 3.5 billion searches a day, getting your business message to stand out from the crowd can be challenging. Here are 5 proven methods to accomplish that goal and turbo charge your Internet footprint.


  1. Create customer-focused content. For most business, their first inclination is to talk about themselves and what makes them number one in their industry. Unfortunately, this is not the information most potential customers want to hear. They want to know what you are going to do for them. How are you going to help them resolve their issues and grow their business to the next level? Keep our eye and your content on the prize: your next great client or customer and you can’t go wrong.
  2. Visuals create engagement but headlines are the real heroes of any message. Research shows that 75% of the time, readers recall the headline first, making headlines and subheads the primary drivers of information retention. By all means, introduce a Wow graphic to attract attention. However, be sure to follow it up immediately with a strong headline that delivers the benefits of your product of service. Most of the time, this is what readers will remember first.
  3. Hone your message for clarity and purpose. We’re all experts on what we do so we tend to share too much information. By sharing details, we will impress clients, persuading them to reach out immediately. Unfortunately, this is not what happens. Walls of text are just that. They halt and hinder reader involvement. Tell your story with maximum impact in the fewest words. More people will read it and more people will react and reach out.
  4. Create a compelling call to action. Readers need a reason to respond to your message. This is the hook at the end of your message line. If you give a potential customer a convincing reason to engage with you, they will. This means thinking outside the standard pitch of “sign up for our monthly newsletter” and giving them an offer that has real meat on its bones. Remember that “free” is still the most powerful word in advertising so don’t be afraid to give something to get something better.
  5. Acknowledge and embrace changes in the marketplace. In today’s Internet driven world, market conditions can change in the blink of an eye or the click of a mouse. If something new happens in your industry and reshuffles the way your clients need to think about their business, acknowledge it. Talk about it in your messaging and provide solutions that will help your clients pivot quickly. This will cement your reputation as an industry thought leader.


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